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Glossy Car Wrap Colors

Is it easy to wrap your car in vinyl? No, it requires quite a bit of patience, but if you have it, it can be done. See here what the vinyl costs.

Below you will find self-adhesive vinyls for wrapping cars, cabinets, chairs, computers, or other surfaces that are not necessarily completely flat.
Wrapping vinyl is also called taxi vinyl, because initially, it was mostly taxis that were wrapped in this type of vinyl. That's no longer the case, and now anything can be wrapped in wrapping vinyl, as long as it can adhere to the surface. The vinyl is best suited for painted surfaces.
If you are unsure whether the vinyl can be used for your project, then order a free sample, so you can test it before buying a larger piece of vinyl.

The wrapping vinyl has air channels in the adhesive, making it easy to mount without creating air bubbles, and by heating with a heat gun, you can stretch the vinyl and shape it around curves, folds, etc.

The vinyls do not all have the same specifications, and the price for the individual vinyls is also not the same, so choose your variant below and learn more about your vinyl.

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