Vinyl Text and vinyl Logo

What is an adhesive vinyltext and letters?
A vinyltext is letters cut out in single-colored film. The background is removed and a mounting tape is placed on top of the letters. It is then mounted just like a sticker, but finally, the mounting tape is removed, and the text sits on the surface without a background. A film text/film letters includes 1 color.

What is an adhesive vinyllogo?
An adhesive vinyllogo is a drawing or logo that is cut out in colored vinylfilm. The background is removed, and a mounting tape is placed on top of the logo. It is then mounted in the same way as a sticker, but finally, the mounting tape is removed so the logo sits on the surface without a background. A vinnyl logo can have multiple colors.

What file should be used to make film logos?
For us to make your film logos, the files must be saved as PDF, EPS, or AI (i.e., vector files). The files must also be saved as graphics and not as image files.

The application tape doesn't stick and I can't get them off the back liner.
They have probably been lying in a windowsill or have otherwise been exposed to sunlight (i.e., UV radiation) for an extended period. The adhesive on the application tape is made of rubber, resin, and a solvent. Just as a rubber band becomes brittle, the application tape loses its adhesive ability. The underlying film also risks burning onto the liner. What do I do? Unfortunately, there's nothing else to do but buy new ones...